Monday, April 29, 2019

Final Cut:



This is the first Alternative Vid we made, very quick and simple and has become very popular among other bands to even release lyric version first due to it being so quick, simple and cheap. 

A full performance cut teaser. Our Second Alt Vid



Sunday, April 28, 2019





Updates From Previous Draft


The video above shows the updates we have done since the website tour:

  • New popup
  • hyperlinked everything
  • new merch
  • new cart system for digipak + vinyl
  • All vids and pictures updated with hover over text
Social Media



Instagram (THE BAND)

Saturday, April 27, 2019


This is our final draft of our digipak, how it looks all sides up:
What changed from previous:

  • Lead singer is now less stretched on the front cover
  • the band pic has been moved with Photoshop to make sure all band members are in view rather than some "hiding" behind the CD
  • Band pic needed some extensions in order for it to achieve verisimilitude through a complicated photoshop adding and taking from layers and stacking ontop
Digipak Walkthrough
    This is a small video explaining the Digipak and why we did it this way.


    Tuesday, April 23, 2019

    EVAL Q1a: Conventions

    Q1a: how do your products use or challenged CONVENTIONS?
    We have been researching conventions throughout the course since the start of September to now. We did both general conventions in the music industry and also genre specific conventions, as seen with this list of blogs. 

    (JC + SS) GOOGLE Most Searched Questions 
    Using inspiration from the WIRED show we created a video where we went through some questions in the format of "most searched on Google" (Chris) is behind the camera as an extra to answer the questions from Sam (Simon) and Nick (James) to add to the creativity. 

    This is a video where the lead singer and a production company member go over the most searched questions on Google about them. This is inspired by the WIRED show autocomplete.

    WIRED Autocomplete


    (CS)TOP 10 Countdown (watchmojo style)

    A vodcast on the top ten conventions inspired by watchmojo where I go over the conventions and how we used them in our videos and influences and also why we might not have used some in our video.


    In this video I go over the top 10 conventions used for our music video and why we chose to use them or challenge them. This video is inspired by WatchMojo top 10 countdowns.
    WatchMojo Top 10 Video


    (CS +JC) Additional Points on Theory, Conventions and Representations 

    A PowerPoint presentation with more points on the whole topic of conventions and the influences to our music video.

    EVAL Q1b: Representations

    EVAL Q2: Branding

    Q2: How do the elements of your production work together to create a sense of 'BRANDING'?
    Branding was always a huge part of our choices and why we did them. After researching how other artists brand their new singles or albums we figured out a way to do it ourselves with many influences from other artists and a mix of our own. 

    (CS) Why we chose digipak to be the way it is
    This is a brief showcase of the digipak explaining what everything is and why we have put it there. 

      (CS) Brand Deal Advert
      A small ad created to further emphasize the point of a brand deal and branding throughout the video. The advert can also be seen on the website.

      There was no inspiration for this video as we thought it would be a good idea to have it to brand the Hoptimist.

      Are there some days where you feel down?
      Like you need a friend?
      With no one to reach out to or talk to?
      The only purpose of our creation is to just bring joy to the world
      Let the little figure bounce and see the happiness it spreads
      Let it be your own unique friend, with a single purpose to make you happy

      Let it be your hopimist

      The advert is above and below is the Instagram post from the band advertising the figures as well. Branding their deal and showing the latest advert they have created. With a hashtag of the brand name.
      (CS) Linking Social Media + Website + Digipak + Music Video together
      Below is a video where there is a quick tour on all of the promo package being linked together with brief points on each

      (CS + SS) Branding Of Promo Package
      This video is also about the branding across all three but in a more creative approach with a few updates and explanations going into further detail.

      (CS) Additional points on branding and influences
      A power point presentation made to further explain our research into branding and promo package which can also be found on our General Conventions post about it. 


      EVAL Q3a: Audience Engagement

      Q3a: How do your products engage with the AUDIENCE?
      The audience should always be in the back of the mind while doing any sort of promo package. As in the end you produce what you love, they consume what they love. We have done a lot of audience research and have adjusted our promo package accordingly to make sure engagement is at its max. 

      (CS) Fan Unboxing:
      A video to show how the audience has engaged with the band by buying both the digipak and a vinyl. The excitement shown in the video is to emphasize the excitement of a fan when then band has done something that they can relate to (Uses & Gratifications).

      (SS + CS) GQ Interview:
      This is our creative piece inspired by GQ which is an interview of a celebrity and they as questions to the celebrity. In this interview we discuss how we have engaged with the audience for our music video and promo package. Where Simon is the celebrity from Exposition Records (Our record label) and Chris is the interviewer.

      In the style of (but not exactly like):
      GQ Interview original 

      Competition for Audience:
      A competition we setup to get direct audience engagement. We started by creating a competition video and then some prizes to encourage fans to participate with a # and using a social media platform known as TikTok.

      Above is the announcement, below is the results video.


      We invited people from different age groups to come and film for the challenge. We then picked the best and decided to make an 'announcement'. These are the top five entries. The challenge was pushed through social media as seen with the video announcement on Facebook. It was also pushed on the Twitter and Instagram (instagram through IGTV service)

      The competition was setup with prizes where the winner would get to go on stage and the people who came 2nd and third got a signed copy of a digipak. This is the perfect way to engage with audiences as it is a direct challenge/competition from the band. An example of this being done in real life is

      Inspired by Ariana Grande with a video contest:


      (SS) Additional points on Audience and our promo package:
      A PowerPoint which includes some extra theory and explains a bit more how we have engaged with our audiences.

      *due to technical difficulties this has been re uploaded as previous was blank* 

      EVAL Q3b: Distribution

      Q3b: How would your products be DISTRIBUTED as real media products
      The research taken to understand distribution and then further more distributing the video and gathering success from it has been substantial for our coursework and understanding of the industry. It isn't relevant to our video however it is extremely relevant to how we would distribute our promo package. 

      (CS) Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
      For our creative approach we decided to recreate a who wants to be a millionaire quiz show. In our segment half way through we had to cut away and film again with different cast due to technical reasons of the camera. Our quiz show is mainly targeted on distribution but also all other aspects of our media coursework linking into all of the Evaluation Questions. The video is below.

      Original Who Wants To Be A Millionaire clip

      Below is a chart to visualize what was being said in the WWTBAM video about streaming and the poor rates.

      A band called Bicep has chosen to release all of their music on nearly all streaming platforms.

      This is an example of a band who has chosen all platforms. However for our promo package we chose only four. Tidal due to the higher payment rates, Spotify and Apple music due to the popularity and then Deezer as it is gaining traction and becoming more and more popular with better rates than Spotify 

      (CS)Power of Web 2.0 and Social Media
      Within 4 hours of uploading our Final Cut we noticed something amazing. People had recognised the video and all our friends and family were sharing the video onward. We hit 180 view in 4 hours which is a lot considering the YouTube channel has 1 upload (the final cut) and 4 subscribers (3 being ourselves). Web 2.0 and Convergence has made it super easy to share and really make a video go viral with the click of a button through the likes of Social media and not even one bit of effort put in by the distributors (us) apart from the first upload to Twitter and Instagram. The rest is audience, this could also link into EVAL Q3a with audience engagement. Below is a little document showing all the screenshots of people sharing. 